Postpartum sciatica can be one of the residual effects of giving birth to a beautiful new baby. Sciatica and general lower back pain have long been associated with pregnancy and can be the results of a structural or emotional condition. While most women experience back pain relief after the birth, some begin to experience symptoms for the first time or suffer an escalation of preexisting pain after delivery.
This article will help provide answers for women who are suffering worse sciatica symptoms after delivering their child. We will investigate the possible injurious processes which may have occurred from the birth, as well as the psychoemotional causes and contributors to postpartum stress.
Structural Postpartum Sciatica
Sciatica during pregnancy is reported by many women, especially during the last trimester. However, the reasons for most of these issues should resolve once the baby is born and the initial healing occurs. Unfortunately, some women do not enjoy sciatica relief, but instead must deal with ongoing pain and sometimes, actual structural injury.
Women who must contend with neurological compression issues related to being pregnant will usually feel better with time, especially once they can get back into a normal routine and activity level.
Women whose sciatica is exacerbated by weight gain should feel better as they strive to get back to pre-pregnancy weight.
Women who endure coccyx injuries or herniated discs during the birth might have to put up with chronic pain until the injury has a chance to heal or be appropriately treated.
Mindbody Sciatica After Giving Birth
Just like postpartum depression is a common and often serious side effect of giving birth, psychosomatic sciatica is also par for the course in many women. The emotional toll of pregnancy and bringing a new life into the world can be high and the problematic psychological issues may be varied among women. Common emotional concerns range from repressed anger at a spouse, or even at the new baby, to worry and anxiety for the child’s health or future.
There are countless causative possibilities, but the cure for all is identical. For any type of stress-induced sciatica syndrome, knowledge therapy is the treatment you will need to get back to a pain-free life and be physically and emotionally available to take good care of that precious child.
Postpartum Sciatica Guidance
The fact that many women are surprised by pain after a birth is shocking unto itself. Pregnancy and birth are hugely traumatic events, physically and emotionally. Thinking that your body will just bounce back, without complaint, may be unrealistic in most instances. That being said, chronic sciatica as a result of pregnancy or birth is not normal and should not be ignored. Once the healing has completed, but pain still remains, it is time to diagnose the source of the symptoms and get them under control.
Remember that many herniated discs diagnosed after a birth may have existed there for many years without causing a problem. In these instances, the disc abnormalities might merely be a scapegoat condition and treatment for them is almost sure to fail. If this represents your situation and a variety of disc-related treatments has failed to bring about relief, then I advise reconsidering the accuracy of the diagnostic theory.