Sciatica programming describes symptoms that occur due to conditioned responses and circumstances, rather than due to any physical, structural source process. Programming is an important part of our health and we can benefit or suffer from the conditioning we are exposed to and come to accept.
In our work with sciatica patients, we see programming as virtually universal when it comes to symptomology. A patient’s conditioned responses are often more valuable to our diagnostic evaluation than any imaging study could ever be. It is quite a shame that more physicians do not account for programming, since this is the single most common explanation for the propagation of the epidemic of chronic pain in the developed world in our modern age.
This post explores programming in sciatica sufferers and also details how the very same process which causes pain can be used to cure it.
Sciatica Programming Defined
Programming is defined as the response to a set of circumstances. Basically, programming (also called conditioning) describes the way our experiences in life influence us and in this case, specifically influences our pain. We expect pain or fear it and so it occurs.
As humans, we are exposed to countless experiences, scenarios and circumstances every day. Our brains are incredibly sophisticated and absorb all of these happenings, even if much of the absorption is below the conscious level of recognition. Humans have always tended to draw conclusions and use logic. Cause and effect is a popular model for these assertions.
Humans recognize an apparent effect and then search for its cause. In other cases, humans observe an occurrence and then search out its consequences. Either way, this is classic human deductive behavior going back millennia.
Sciatica Conditioning Can Cause Pain
We often experience pain in connection to postures, activities, feelings, occurrences, etc. In some cases, the connection is obvious, like suffering acute pain in the midst of the occurrence, such as pain when running, for example. In other cases, the connection is less obvious, such as pain a day after working out at the gym for the first time in a month. In many cases, the connection is far-flung, such as speculating that pain may be the result of sitting too long in the movie theater a week ago last Tuesday…
We are not here to discuss the validity of particular conditioned responses. We are here just to discuss that they do indeed happen and are responsible for pain in virtually everyone with a chronic health issue. Substitute sciatica for any other persistent pain problem and conditioning applies just the same.
I did X… and now I have pain. X… must be the cause. Conditoning.
I fear that doing (or not doing) X…. might cause pain. I better avoid (or perform) X…. if I want to avoid pain. Conditioning.
I did X… a long time ago, but the pain has lasted (illogically) for decades. Conditoning.
Conditioned responses can be simple and seemingly logical. Sitting, driving, exercising. They can be controversial: sleep position, wearing certain types of shoes, etc. They can also be downright insane: I get pain when I wear the color blue. I always get pain on a Tuesday. We have heard some real crazy ones… Trust us!
Unfortunately, these reactions are not crazy to the people they affect. They are torture and have done considerable damage to lives. We take conditioning very seriously and work hard to teach our patients how and why to undo their programmed responses in order to find a better, pain-free life.
Undoing Sciatica Programming
Just like conditioning can cause pain, it can also cure pain. We can literally teach ourselves how to break the conditioning process and replace old, malignant programming with new curative conditioning. If you want to break the cycle of chronic pain, you MUST defeat conditioning first.
Anyone can relearn how to train their brain against pain. We have seen it in our clinical practice for many years and it has become a major part of our pain coaching work. We have gone so far as to write a tremendous amount of material about pain deprogramming in our books Neuroplasticity and Chronic Pain, Chronic Pain Coaching, and The Power of Fear. These 3 books are pillars of our peer-acclaimed proven pain relief program that can help you too.
If you want to end pain, you must find its source. In few cases will the cause of chronic pain truly reside in the body. Sure, the symptoms will be expressed there. The pain in the body is certainly real. However, the source does not typically reside where the pain occurs. Instead the origin resides in the mind and this is where the battle to end it forever MUST occur. Countless pain-free patients have proven us right in this regard over decades of clinical experience.
Break the cycle of treatment failure by finally getting on the right page when it comes to finding relief. It starts with identifying and ending negative conditioning that causes pain. You can do it!
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